Are You Ready For Stable Dentures?
Temporary problems have permanent solutions—and our implant-supported dentures prove that! If you are concerned about missing teeth lost to trauma, decay or other damage, we recommend considering implant supported dentures. Unlike conventional dentures, implant supported dentures offer a tighter, more stable fit. They offer a more natural appearance and because they are implant supported, they act and funcation as your original teeth.
After your consultation with Dr. Reyes, we will be able to better determine what your best treatment will be. Regardless of which implant-supported denture is for you, all implant-supported dentures begin with placing the implants into your jawbone. Because the dental implants are made of titanium, and they are inserted deep below the gum line, they prevent bone loss and are resistant to decay. From there, your chosen metal mesh reinforced denture will be fabricated to fulfill your new smile. This life-long permanent solution has been enabling patients for over 20 years, and by attending your regular dental appointments, and by cleaning your dentures, they are equipped to last you a lifetime!
To learn more about implant dentures in San Antonio, TX, please give us a call at
210-791-0719 today!